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Today, we (My friend and I, plus our parrots Tabu -African grey-, Borre -Amazon parrot- and Zazu) were strolling the streets of Alkmaar, entering shops, admiring knick-knacks, visiting some shop-owners here and there and finally settling in a cosy corner for a beer or two..
First we went to the reptile-shop where the birds admired the wonderful fish that seemed to be everywhere.
After this we went to the library. One of the people there found immediately a friend in Borre, who climbed his shoulder like he belonged there.
But, like a well-behaved bird, he stepped back on the rope and came along with us. On our way to the town centre, we said “hello” to the shopkeepers of the Classical cd-shop, and we saw a duo on xylophone and accordeon playing Mozart’s “Marcia alla Turca”. We visited many shops, ate saucages and nutbars, and told people not to buy a cockatoo. Then we settled for a drink. Tabu played with beer mats, and totally destroyed them of course, while Borre took a nap and Zazu followed our conversation. Of course we got a lot of positive attention, among others a lady who was much interested in adopting/fostering parrots.
After our stay in the café we went home, where we ate a pizza, while the birds enjoyed their well-deserved Juvenile formula.Below a photo impression of our shopping day in Alkmaar..
This adventure ends here.
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