*** Disclaimer & warning PLEASE READ ***

Please note that one should be careful to take his or her birds on outdoor excursions. Wings should be clipped properly and in case of a smaller, lighter built birds, or untrained birds,  please ALWAYS use a harnass!

The birds on this website are thoroughly trained  parrots. Some of the activities depicted could put smaller or/and untrained birds in jeopardy.

According to my avian vet it's ok to let birds outside for just 10-15 minutes when it's just below zero degrees celcius.. He told me not to make it too long because of their feet, as their feet aren't covered with feathers.
Please note: Birds that are not in a good condition shouldn't be let outside to play with very low temperatures. Also one should be careful with plucked birds!

The small birds on this website not wearing a harnass are WELL TRAINED!

Also, my parrots are fed a very healthy, organic diet on normal days.
PLEASE only feed your parrot these unhealthy snacks on rare occasions and in VERY small amounts!
We do not support feeding unhealthy diets!!

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