Mijn prijzenkast

1) Give me a big cage with lots of safe toys.
You should be
aware of zinc
when purchasing
a cage and toys.

2) Give me some nice treats from time to time. 
My beany-beak LOL!
Here I had a nice
snack. My beak is
dirty from the beans
I had been eating.

3) I need to be sprayed regularly.
I prefer to
shower with
mom as this
picture proves.

4) Take me outside please!
I love to
go outside.
I prefer the forest!

When we travel, we travel in these carriers..





5) Give me a lot of hugs please!
Needless to
say, I think
as you probably
Like it too!


6) Give me places outside my cage where I can play.
I have my own
swing. I love it.
I broke this one,


7) Entertain me please!
You can't see me! LOL!Over here I
was playing
hide and seek
under the blanket

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