Phobic behavior can be a big problem! My cockatoo Zazu is a 'master' in being
terribly affected..
Recently, I went to my avian vet.. He is very good when it comes to behavior. He
works according to a five-step-program that is used every time you approach your
avian friend.
This five step program was developed by the kliniek voor vogels in the
Netherlands. If you have any questions on how to use this program, you may want
to contact them, or
to the 'Behavior' forum. (I am not an expert, I am
just a parrot lover!)
It has proved to be very effective in the 'war' against Zazu's fobic behavior. Now, Zazu isn't afraid of bikes anymore, he used to be terrified of them. Now we walk past them without Zazu showing just a single trace of fear.
you can find the five-step-program my avian vet uses. If there is anything unclear about it,
please contact the Kliniek voor vogels, as I am NOT an expert!!
If your parrot doesn't feel the object when you tell it to do so, don't offer the object endlessly. Don't turn it into a 'must'. Just feel the object yourself and then drop it, or put it aside. Walk through the steps again and then use another object. Then follow all the steps again and use the object that your parrot didn't want to touch at first.
The five-step-program as described above can be completed in just 1-2 minutes.
It is advised that one works with this program very consciously for 3 x 5/10
minutes a day.
Further, it is advised that a parrot is kept on chest hight. Don't keep your
avian companion on your or anyone's shoulder! Also the height of the cage should
be considered.
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