
You can easily make a ceiling gym like Zazu’s gym. It’s relatively cheap, it almost takes up no room when stored and you can easily decorate it with toys, rope and leather. Your fid'll have no time to be bored because he'll be busy either destroying the willow branches, playing with the attached toys or gnawing the leather laces & rope that you put through the chain links
When one of the branches is destroyed by your fid, you can easily replace the destroyed branch with a new one.

You need
Stainless steel chain (I used 3,5 mm chain)
6 long Stainless steel screws
1 large screw hook
Some small stainless steel screw eyes
2 wide jaw quick links
3 thick (willow) branches for a sturdy base
leather laces
sisal or cotton rope

Drill holes in the sides of the willow branches and fasten appr. one foot of chain by putting a large screw through the link. Do the same for the opposite direction, connecting two willow branches with each other. You should have created two willow branches connected with each other with a long chain hanging loose just in the middle. Please allow 2 chainlinks between the screws.
It should look like this:

Do the same for the other ends of the branches, each time connecting two willow branches with each other and by this creating a triangle with chain hanging loose there where the branches are connected with each other.
Connect the three end of the loose hanging chain with each other

and add another large piece of chain for hanging from the ceiling.

Drill a hole into the ceiling and put a plug in the hole. Put the large screw hook in there and hook the last link of your chain in there, et voila, the base of your parrot gym is ready!

Use the small screw eyes to attach simple things with a quick link. Or just use a screw, as also shown below.


I also put some leather lace and sisal rope through the chain links, as shown below. It's a simple thing but it's really appreciated by my fids!


 You can also add toys with a quick link. Just hang them from the three chain 'bridges'. You can also add toys with a quick link. Just hang them from the three chain 'bridges' as shown below.

Click here to view what my ceiling gym looks like
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