Preventing diseases

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part 6

part 7

Next, we went to the Onze Lieve Vrouwe basilica. I took this photo but it didn't isn't very good..
It is taken with my cell phone..

Zazu in the Onze Lieve Vrouwe Basilica in Maastricht

The next day, we decided to go for a walk in the surroundings. The natural environment was said to be very beautiful so we thought a walk would be nice. Zazu was allowed to come, as his wingabago is too small to stay in all day..
We couldn't help ourselves when we saw this on the playground.. He he he!

Being silly!

Zazu seems to think of robbing the sweet machine on the photo below.. :)

A parrot robbing the sweet machine? Yes! It's possible!

As we talked to the man at the Tourist Information Office, Zazu also listened carefully instructions the man gave. He didn't want to get lost in the woods!

Tell me all about it!

On the next photo you can see my sister & dad discussing how to walk. Zazu thinks it's boring: If you had listened to that man, you would be knowing how to walk, he seems to think!

If you had listened to that man, you would be knowing how to walk!

Some photos I took during our walk..

The story continues on page 5!

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7
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