Preventing diseases

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part 1

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part 4

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part 6

part 7

After that, Sammie decided he wanted to play some on the games computer of my brother-in-law. Well, he wanted to help him, but all he did was messing the game up!

I'm sooo good at games!

On the photo below you get an impression of what the bungalow looked like at night.
We had lit the fireplace and Zazu seems to be quite comfortable with that: He's preening himself!

Zazu seems to be quite comfortable

The next day, we went to do some groceries. Zazu wanted to use the small pushcart, but lots of groceries had to be done so..

I want to use the small pushcart mom! It's a better size for small parrots!

We took the large pushcart.. :) Zazu was allowed to sit on the handle which gave him an excellent view of the groceries.. :)

This is OK too!

After doing groceries, it was time to eat.. Also for Iago, Flit & Sammie. They had great fun on the table.
On the photo below you can see Sammie on top of the bread.. :)

Exploring the table!

Iago got some boiled egg, and Flit seemed to be very interested in Iago's snack!

Gimme some Iago!

That day, we went to Maastricht.. We took Zazu with us, and he loved this city. We sat down at an outdoor café and Zazu got a macadamia while we ate our lunches.. :)

Tidbit time!

The story continues on page 4!

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7
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