Preventing diseases


7-9-2003 part one

7-9-2003 part two


Today, Iago & Zazu finally got to meet Frank's macaw couple: Donny and Cherry.. Though they are much larger and stronger than both Iago and Zazu, they were cautious. Zazu was also intimidated by Donny and Cherry.. I guess he was a bit afraid of them being full flighted. I must admit they are a impressive! Donny and Cherry have a huge wingspan!!
Iago was not intimidated at all and was very curious who those big birds were!

On the photo below you can see Iago looking at his large friends.

Hey! I am Iago, what are your names?

Can you see that Zazu is a bit cautious? Normally, he isn't leaning backwards.. :-)

I can talk with them from this distance.. Please don't bring me closer to them!

Hello! Let us introduce ourselves, we are Donny & Cherry.. It looks like Cherry is taking a bow, as if to say: 'I am honoured to meet you' LOL!

We are honoured to meet you!

Hey, Donny, move over, I wanna turn..

Move over, you fat ass!

Donny was a bit agitated and threw Cherry off HIS branch.. (They gotta have everything what the other one has, or have to sit everywhere the other one sits!)

Move over yourself!

On the photo below it seems that he is tickling her a bit, so she'll let go.. :-)

Tickle tickle tickle!!


On the next page, the story continues!



7-9-2003 part one

7-9-2003 part two
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