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Another photo of the atmosphere behind the stands. Food was
present too! :)
The woman sitting on the chair was one of the organizers of this day.
On the next photo, Iago & Zazu sit on the huge gym in the center.
A sulphur crested cockatoo is looking at Zazu.
Roxy (the umbrella cockatoo close to the grey gang on the photo
below) was present as well.
She is just too cute for words! :)
Pipi & Flodder (the blue and gold macaws) are now living with
Schoffie &
his gang.
They make wonderful progress: First they were biting, and the last time I heard
from them, they had become gentle & more friendly.
On the next photo, you get a better view of the large play gym.
Zazu is sitting quite comfortably. Mickey (the little Senegal parrot sitting on
her own little gym in the front) was present too!
She is the most beautiful Senegal parrot I have ever seen.
Mickey lives with Tica, an amazon parrot.
Tica is displaying on the photo below. The double yellow headed amazon (?) is
not very impressed.
According to Joanie Doss, who was kind enough to email me about the amazon, this
'double yellow headed amazon' is in fact a Chaco blue front amazon.
"I enjoyed the site. However, I think it was part two, there was
a photo of two Amazons.
One was in display and the other perched slightly above it. You thought the one
above was a Double Yellow but it is a Chaco Blue Front. Many of these have no
and look like a Double Yellow with a dark beak. The Chaco Blue Front is a very
bird and as you can see, his yellow covers most of the upper part of his wings.
Many people think these Chaco Blues are Double Yellows, but the beak color gives
them away."
Thank you Joanie for your correction! :)
(Note that Joanie isn't just someone, but has written quite some articles & two
books on
amazon parrots)
The story continues on
page 3!
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