Preventing diseases

Here are some photos of Zazu travelling by train and bus..

The photo below was taken on the small table that can be found in the Dutch trains. I had put some toys on the table so that he could play with it during the trip.
Zazu seemed more interested in the train itself though!

This is great!

Next, Zazu went to sit on another chair to check out the rest of the train. He was quite calm, unlike I expected him to be..

Sitting here and there..

Click here to see a movie of Zazu travelling by train (388 KB)

On the way back, we had to take the bus as there had been a collision of two trains on Amsterdam Central Station. (Just before we arrived)
The whole area around the Central Station was closed and a no go area for public transport & other means of transportation/people.
It gave us a eery chill.
Zazu, on the other hand, had no idea what had happened!

What happened?

We hope to see you next time!

*** Disclaimer & warning PLEASE READ ***  Please note that one should be careful to take his or her birds on outdoor excursions. Wings should be clipped properly and in case of a smaller, lighter built birds, please ALWAYS use a harnass!
If you are not sure if your bird is considered light built, please ALWAYS use a harnass!
The birds on this website are thoroughly trained  parrots. Some of the activities depicted could put smaller or/and untrained birds in jeopardy.
Also, my parrots are fed a very healthy, organic diet on normal days.
PLEASE only feed your parrot these unhealthy snacks on rare occasions and in VERY small amounts!
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