Preventing diseases

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part 6

part 7

part 8

I thought this look was cute! A blue and gold macaw, an African grey parrot, a lovebird and a normal grey cockatiel sitting in one and the same tree. Isn't it a cute thing to see?

All sizes sitting in one tree!

The rose breasted trio.. Three galahs together.. :-) The middle one's crest was a bit more pink, or could it be the light?

Three galahs..

Sitting down in the gras.. From left to right: A galah, an amazon parrot & a male eclectus parrot..

Opoe, an amazon parrot that should be handled with care.. :-) At least, till a meeting with my avian vet. After that she sat peacefully with the other parrots. Amazing, isn't it?

Don't I look vicious? LOL!

Click here to see a movie of angry Opoe (amazon parrot) (571 KB)

Click here to see Indy quarreling with opoe (1.015 KB)

Binky laying on his back in him mommy's hand.. :-) Chewing on his toes!

Relax man!

The youngest visitor of the parrot picnic. A young elenora cockatoo. Isn't she cute?

Am I the youngest one?

Indy hanging from someone's back.. :-)

Indy, the backpack!

Four lovebirds, of which three are quarreling over a twig.

Let me have it!

A very small visitor, a budgie! He was just so cute, and his feathers were just beautiful.. :-)

Am I the star of the day?

The story continues on page 7!


part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8
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