Preventing diseases

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part 8

Someone had made this wonderful play gym, it was a sight for sore eyes.. :-) And the parrots were clearly enjoying themselves on the gym!

What a great portable gym!

On the photo below you can see a little girl picking up an umbrella cockatoo. There are also two lovebirds perched on her shoulder, can you spot them?


A close up of a very gorgeous double yellow head amazon. What a beauty!

What a beauty!

On the next photo you can see a Senegal parrot & his parronts sitting in the gras.

Having fun in the gras!

Below, you can see another photo of Indy, the gorgeous yellow collared macaw. She truly is one photogenic girl!
I also added a movie of her..

Click here to see a movie of Indy dancing & trying to swing (802 KB)

Because the weather wasn't very good, this plucked amazon parrot was hiding for the cold. She is a Venezuela amzon, and she had the most cutest head. :-)


On the next photo you can see several parrots on the gym: Some amazon parrots, a blue and gold macaw, a green wing macaw and a goffin's cockatoo..

Happy together!

This amazon parrot wasn't impressed by the blue and gold macaw and didn't let herself chase away by the bigger parrot.

I am not going!

While the two other parrots were quarreling, these two cockatoos (a rose breasted cockatoo or galah) and a goffin were chatting in the gras..

Yeah? Is that so?

The story continues on page 5!


part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8
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