Preventing diseases

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part 7

part 8

Ricki Eden was present as well, together with her Goffin cockatoo Lu, her lovebirds Pietjepatatje & Potjepatatje & her African grey parrot Ann Felicius.
On the photo below you can see her, and if you look very well, you might be able to spot her lovebird friends. (on her right arm)

Ricki Eden & her parrots

Click here to see a movie of Ricky Eden & her performing parrots (3.811 KB)
This movie may take quite a while to load, but it's really worth viewing!

A close-up of Lu. She was plucked some years before, totally bald. Untill Ricki started working with her. Now she is beautifully feathered! According to Ricki, she needs small tasks in order to stay happy.

Beautiful Lu

This are her parrots from a closer view. I don't know who the lovebird in the picture is. Pietjepatatje or Potjepatatje. The grey is Ann Felicius.

Ricki Eden's parrots

There also was a double yellow headed amazon parrot. He or she was beautifully feathered and sitting quietly next to an African grey parrot. (They were present with huge numbers!)

A double yellow headed amazon!

Another umbrella cockatoo trying to find a place where she could step up..

Can I step up there?

Pablo, isn't he just gorgeous?

Goodlooking macaw!

My avian vet with a blue and gold macaw.. They are having a chat.. :-)

What did you say?

Two Illiger's macaws or ara maracana. They were plucked but yet they came to the parrot picnic! They shouldn't be left out of the fun just because they are plucked!
Some greys wanted to be 'in the picture' too.

Okkie & Timon, two Illiger's macaws

On the photo below you can see all different kinds of parrots sitting on a play tree.
Among them are Zazu, two rose breasted cockatoos or galahs, a green wing macaw, a Venezuela amzon, an eclectus parrot & a goffin cockatoo.

All kinds of parrots playing on one tree!

The cockatiel corner.. Can you see two cockatiels having a quarrel?

Cockatiel corner!

The story continues on page 4!


part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8
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