Preventing diseases

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part 5

part 6

On the photo below you can see Iago (left) meeting another Senegal parrot.

Hey, who are you?

On the next photo you can see the unknown amazon from the other page and Tica. They really had a good time impressing each other and chatting in 'Amazon'.. :-)

Hey! Someone who speaks my language!

Click here to see a movie of Tica chatting with the other amazon (403 KB)

Also, a beautiful rose breasted cockatoo or galah was present. I was surprised by his beautiful pink color!

A galah or rose breasted cockatoo..

On the picnic, there was a woman with a basket full of goodies. People could get something out it for free & give it to their fids.
Zazu though, started investigating the basket by himself.

What's in there?

On the next photo you can see Pico & Pablo. (Blue and gold macaw & green wing macaw)
Pablo is one of the most gorgeous green wings I have ever seen. Only the green wing macaw in Avifauna could rival him!

Aren't they gorgeous?

There also were people with a baby buggy, turned into a parrot buggy.. :-) These people had several parrots, so the buggy was quite handy to transport them all in one time!

How original!

Click here to view a movie of the parrot buggy (590 KB)

Next, people put a branch against a tree to provide a play gym for their & other people's parrots.
It didn't take long before there were many parrots perched on the branche. You can see some Congo African grey parrots & two lovebirds. (If you look closely)

What a nice place to sit on!

The story continues on page 3!


part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6
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