Preventing diseases


24-8-2003 part one

24-8-2003 part two


Today we went to visit our friends who own a nice house and some barns filled with lovely oldtimers.. Zazu, my leadbeaters cockatoo, begged me to take him on this trip. He is a real car lover and he wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to see them! Iago, not being a huge car lover, stayed at home, with some nice snacks..
They also have a beagle who befriended with Nenya very quickly. I didn't have to look after her, we lost her to her new friend.

As Zazu is a real boy, loving cars & other fast stuff, he really had to inspect some of my friends' finest oldtimers.. He also insisted on being photographed on them, just to show his friends that he really was part of this adventure.
Zazu has really sharp nails, and therefore a towel was put on the cars first, to prevent his nails from scratching the cars. :-)

On the picture below he's sitting on a BMW 328 Roadster built in 1937. That's what Zazu tells me at the moment, I really don't have a clue! :-)
I've erased the numbers on the license plate to assure my friends' privacy..

This car is coooool!

On the picture below Zazu is content with the car, and he stretches his wings & raises his crest as if to say: 'This car is COOL, let's go and take a ride!'

Let's go mommy! Let's hit the road!

On the next photo, Zazu seems to say: 'Let's go to the left now' by grabbing the steering wheel and pulling it to the left. He really seems to be in the mood for a trip with this wonderful car. :-)

Really, I can drive!

Zazu also was allowed to be captured on camera on some other cool cars. There were too many to choose from, and we couldn't do them all, so my friend made a selection for Zazu.
Below, Zazu poses on a Mercedes 300 SL Roadster built in 1959. My friend told Zazu that the back of the car looks like a woman's behind. Zazu didn't see it though, there was no tail, Zazu said.

What a car!!

Zazu also wanted to be photographed when sitting on the bonnet. So I layed the towel on it, put Zazu on the towel, and took a photo. Zazu happy, and his mommy happy.

Do you have more of these hot cars?

The red car Zazu was allowed to sit on is a Ferrari Dino 246 GTS of 1972. (Again, I don't have the slightest idea what it's all about LOL!)
Zazu was a bit mad about the quality of the photo: Though the car looks pretty hot, he looks like a white dove on both pictures taken on this racing monster.

On this photo, my mommy made me look like she had used the wrong detergent on me!

On the next page the story continues, just press one of the buttons below or at the top of this page..



24-8-2003 part one

24-8-2003 part two
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