Preventing diseases

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part 6

On the next photo you can see Zazu looking at the flamengos. (I don't know if I spelled this right! Please correct me if I didn't)
He thought they almost have the same color as he does.

Almost the same!

Next we sat down to have a drink & some food. I was quite hungry!
On the photo below you can see Lilo sitting on her perch & Iago looking at the baby.. Iago loves children.. :-)

Sitting down for a drink & a snack..

Iago stepped on this man's hand very willingly, just as he always does. He loves attention! (Almost as much as snacks LOL!)

I like you!

Zazu stayed seated on the arm rest. He thought that this was a time to rest a bit.. :-)

All that attention is too much for me!

Iago had spotted our bread rolls, and was chewing on the packing material.
I told him to say "Hi" or turn around, and then he got his share: A small piece of bread.

I want some!

In front of the restaurant, there also was this structure, where water was drawn from the pool. As water had reached the top, it fell down into this ridge, then fell down into a wheel. (On the right of the photo)
Lilo & Zazu went exploring it, as you can see on the photo below..

What's this?!

I took Zazu to the rest room to fill my bottle with water. The sink was made from a barrel. Funny!
Usually, Zazu grabs this opportunity to drink some water, but this sink looked kind of weirde..

Fill that bottle so we can explore more of this zoo!

We also met these lovebirds (Sjonnie & Anita) and some more blue and gold macaws and African grey parrots.

Cute lovebirds friends!

And these gorgeous macaws: A blue and gold macaw (Pico) and a green wing macaw (Pablo). Aren't they gorgeous?!

And larger green wing macaw & blue and gold macaw friends..

The story continues on page 4!

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6
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