Preventing diseases

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part one

part two

part three

The mall was quite large, also very very light. On the photo below you can see my sister's friend & me in the mall. Zazu is sitting contently on my hand. He didn't seem to be bothered by the mall.
I took a bag full of toys, drinks, etc.. It became quite heavy during the day!

What? I think this mall is OK.. The only different thing about this place is that people talk strangely!

We sat down after some time for a drink, There also was an ice-card. We didn't eat any ice though, and the waiter had a terrible mood. He wasn't friendly at all, I guess he didn't like that pink monster on our table.
On the photo below you can see my mom looking at the ice-card, Zazu is chewing on his (bald) leg. (

Zazu trying to get attention..

On the photo below Zazu is trying to overlook the mall & find shops to his liking. Unfortunately there were no pet shops.. So no toys. I did promise him to visit the toy store, and try to find him a nice baby toy. Ofcourse, it should be Zazu proof. LOL!

Zazu was quite insulted when we went into a women-clothes store.. (My sister and mom are real shopping experts, LOL!) This is not a toy store, he thought.


On the photo below you can see him checking out the clothes. Perhaps there would be something for his mommy? LOL!

No, nothing mommy! Can we go now?!

After going in and out stores we sat down and had a snack. On the photo below you can see Zazu looking at everyone having a snack. By the way, he also got some.. :-)

I want a snack too!!

After that, we went into the Nici store. (They sell all kind of cute bears, mugs with bear prints etc) I took Zazu with me and asked if they sold any peeping bear. (For Zazu to play under supervision) They didn't have that. The girl of the shop was quite interested in Zazu, and asked a lot of things.. She also gave me some balloons & a toy bear for Zazu as a present. How nice!!!

That evening, our parents took us out for a dinner. We were quite hungry, and Zazu was too! I took him is his wingabago so that he could eat his own food from his own bowls, no junk food this time! When my plate came (my plate came first) and he saw the fries, he immediately started talking: Hello, helloooo! Hi, I'm Zazu, how're you etc..

Hey! This is not fair! Gimme some too!!

The next day, we went home. This is a view from the back of the house. Zazu is enjoying his last rays of sun from the "Achterhoek".. Can you spot him at the right of the photo?

I don't want to go!

We hope to see you next time!

*** Disclaimer & warning PLEASE READ ***  Please note that one should be careful to take his or her birds on outdoor excursions. Wings should be clipped properly and in case of a smaller, lighter built birds, please ALWAYS use a harnass!
If you are not sure if your bird is considered light built, please ALWAYS use a harnass!
The birds on this website are thoroughly trained large parrots. Some of the activities depicted could put smaller, untrained birds in jeopardy.
Also, my parrots are fed a very healthy, organic diet on normal days.
PLEASE only feed your parrot these unhealthy snacks on rare occasions and in VERY small amounts!


part one

part two

part three
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