Preventing diseases


*** Disclaimer & warning PLEASE READ ***  On the photos, you can see Zazu is eating fries. You cannot see on the photos that he wasn't allowed to eat a lot, just a small bit,  and is fed a healthy, almost entirely organic diet on normal days. Please do not feed your parrot fries or other unhealthy things every day!!

Today Zazu joined us on a trip to the computer store.. My computer had to be fixed and it had been told us, that it would take an hour or so to repair it, so we thought it would be a good idea to bring Zazu: We could have a walk with him then, while waiting for my computer to be repaired. There was a small parc nearby, so he would certainly have a great time.
Note that the photos are not high quality as I didn't bring my camera. All photos have been taken with a mobile phone..
Zazu was really anxious to get there.. He was looking if he could see the store already, LOL!

Are we there yet?

The parc was quite muddy, it had rained some time and Zazu had a good time playing in the pools as shown on the photo below..


When we returned to the computer store, the employee told us the computer hadn't been fixed yet.. There were some problems occurring, so it would take a little longer.
So away we went. Because it was too cold (and we were quite hungry, because we hadn't expected that it would take so long to have the computer fixed by the store) we decided to go to McDonalds, to have a snack. We wondered if we could take Zazu with us..

The food wasn't ready, so we went to sit on a table with just the drinks & the fries sauce.. Zazu decided he wanted to have a sip of my drink too.. :-) (He wasn't drinking by the way, just playing with the straw!)

I'm thirsty!

 On the photo below he makes his point very clear: This is the food I want!

Momma! I wanna eat THIS!

 When the employee came to bring our food, she was very surprised to find Zazu sitting on the table.. She was delighted by his charmes (LOL) and called the other employees. (They weren't very busy, as it wasn't lunch or dinner time)
They asked lots of things, and were all enchanted by Zazu..
In the meanwhile, Zazu had become curious what was on that plate, as the picture below shows..

This looks rather good!

When Zazu saw the fries, he just couldn't resist them.. He spilled most of it by shredding it, by the way..

It tastes good as well.. :-)

Zazu was also given some lettuce from my burger.. :-) That was also good for lots of shredding fun!

Yum yum, lettuce!

 Later, the employee returned with a McNugget which Zazu happily accepted. As with the fries, most of the McNugget was spilled by shredding and flinging.. :-)
We were given a cup of tea, and Zazu displayed his grattitude by talking a little. (The employees were wondering if he could talk)
Zazu said 'Hello' in the cutest voice, along with other words from his tiny vocabulary.. :-) The employees were, again, charmed.. :-)

Thanks, McDonalds staff!

When we went to the computer store for the second time, my computer was ready..

 *** Disclaimer & warning PLEASE READ ***  On the photos, you can see Zazu is eating fries. You cannot see on the photos that he wasn't allowed to eat a lot, just a small bit,  and is fed a healthy, almost entirely organic diet on normal days. Please do not feed your parrot fries or other unhealthy things every day!!
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