What are the things I should watch when purchasing the parrot?
What should I keep in mind when purchasing a cage, toys, etc?
Think about poisoning! What is unharmful for humans can be fatal to parrots. Think about teflon-pans, certain kinds of plants etc. I have one teflon-pan at home but when I use this one I keep the kitchendoor shut and the door open so that all the poisonous fumes can escape.
A healthy parrot...
doesn't sit like a fluffed up package. His feathers should be smooth without bald spots.
shouldn't sleep when humans are in front of the cage.
doesn't gasp and his tail doesn't move on the same rythm as his breathing.
doesn't sleep on the ground! It sleeps on foot.
preens regularly.
has clear eyes.
has clean nostrils and a clean vent.
doesn't have a breastbone that feels very sharp.
I can be very short about this issue: In my experience
pellets are the best solution as we can never offer our parrots the same
nutrition as they get in their natural habitat.
Yes, I can provide them a well-balanced diet with seeds, veggies, fruits etc.
but who says they will eat it all? Parrots are picky eaters and they know
exactly how to get a new bowl with food: By throwing all the food out of the
bowl on the floor, for example!
I think that pellets shouldn't contain any colouring. I give my birds Harrison's bird foods,
which is (at least in The Netherlands) the only pellet available at the vet. All
those hardly could be wrong, can't they? I have to note that this pellet doesn't
contain any colouring and that this product has been made out of unsprayed
products. Besides their pellet-diet my feathered friends get fruits and veggies
in limited amount as the pellets contain all the nutritions.
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