
The page about Zazu's cage isn't accurate anymore. I got Zazu a new stainless steel parrot cage. I did this because I noticed he could chew off the powder coating and I didn't want to run the risk of poisoning. I just wanted to give him the safest cage possible that's why I choose to give him a stainless steel cage.
It was quite costly but I think this will pay off in the years to come as stainless steel is said to last a life time!
His cage has an extra high slide out tray, to prevent mess. It works OK so far. He still is a master in flinging food over the edges... But it's a whole lot better than his other cage. It is much more roomy as well: It measures 140 centimeters wide, 90 centimeters deep and 140 centimeters tall.. I choose for this relatively large size because of his activity level. Zazu spends most of the time upside down attacking a toy while screaming his lungs out, or swinging while flapping as if his life depends on it!
His cage has a drop down lock. DO you notice the metal pins in the middle of the doors? Those are the locks!!

One door closed...
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