This is our picture page.. We have a new family
member, he's called Doetnix. Mom adopted him when she went to a breeder with a
friend. She had no intention enriching our family but she just COULDN'T resist
Doetnix's charmes!
At the end of june, our family was enriched with Gaaius, a Congo African Grey
parrot baby... He's just too cute!!
(16 pictures)
Our new flock member Gaaius!
Doetnix introduces his baby brother Gaaius..
Doetnix loves to steal his brother's seeds when Gaaius is not watching!
Or when he IS watching, Doetnix doesn't care.. :-)
Hi! I am Doetnix, the newest member of the family.. I am only seven weeks old and I have to be handfed by my mom!
Chico loves to help mom a bit!
He also gives me a part of his lunch or dinner..
And, hungry as I am, I accept it willingly! :-)
Chico also likes to hop into the carton box just to inspect me..
Chico also looks after my tail, if it has grown larger already..
No, it's just a small tail, but it will grow BIG!!
Schoffie loves to tumble with 'his' human flock!
The crazier, the better!!
Cuddling is also one of his favorite passtimes!
Mom adopted him when she went to a breeder with a friend. She had no intention enriching our family but she just COULDN'T resist Doetnix's charmes!
Our new flock member Gaaius!
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